Cholesterol Governor 60ct - Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol Governor 60ct - Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Montgomery Uniforms

Cholesterol Governor 60ct - Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Regular price $12.99 $0.00
Cholesterol Governor containing Guggul extract and proprietary blend of Ayurvedic herbs supports healthy cholesterol levels that are in the normal range.

Guggul or Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) is considered to remove toxic substances which accumulate as a result of sluggish digestion and circulation associated with a slowing of metabolism. Guggulsterones are considered to be responsible for Guggul's cholesterol- and triglyceride-lowering actions. Guggul helps lower serum triglycerides and cholesterol as well as LDL and VLDL cholesterols (the "bad" cholesterols). At the same time, it helps raise levels of HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol). Guggul has also been shown to reduce the stickiness of platelets - another effect that lowers the risk of coronary artery disease.

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is considered a cardio-protective herb. Scientific studies show that is has beneficial effects in angina, heart disease, heart failure, edema, high cholesterol, gonorrhea, acne, wounds, blemishes, dysentery and wounds. The bark of this tree is high in Co-enzyme Q-10, thus helps in Cirrhosis of liver and helps reduce blood pressure.

Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) is considered beneficial in lipid disorders and helps lowering of serum cholesterol levels.

Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica) is the best Ayurveda herb to ignite the digestive fire, ensure proper digestion and assimilation and to alleviate inflammation and pain associated with hemorrhoids. As digestion improves it benefits in low nutritive states. Chitrakmool is also beneficial to correct the liver functions and to maintain the cholesterol levels in healthy limits.

Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) contains an amino acid called 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which appears to increase the body's production of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Higher insulin production may decrease the amounts of sugar that stay in the blood for many individuals. In some animal and human studies with both diabetes and high cholesterol levels, fenugreek lowered cholesterol levels as well as blood sugar levels. 

Health Benefits:
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels
  • Supports cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy immune and thyroid function

100% Vegetarian

Does not contain  Artificial ingredients, fillers, preservatives, stearate or titanium dioxide.

Free of milk, egg, shellfish, wheat, peanuts, corn, gluten and soy. 

Other Ingredients
Vegetarian capsule

60 capsules / bottle

Directions of Use
As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 capsules twice a day or as recommended by your health care professional.

Storage Instructions
After opening, keep the bottle tightly closed in cool and dry place.

Please consult your physician prior to using any herbal product if you are pregnant, nursing or taking medication, or have a medical condition. Discontinue its use two weeks prior to any surgery.

Keep out of the reach of children.

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